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Security Drawers

Security Drawers

SECURITY PRODUCTS. Whether you are looking for high performance glass for a Security area, Pass-Through drawers, protection from storms and hurricanes or just something the kids won’t break playing baseball, we can provide it all.

At ALLTEX Glass, we offer all-polycarbonate laminates, glass-clad polycarbonates and all-glass laminates to help meet your special threat and performance level needs.

Laminates feature a high-quality, mar-resistant coating on the exterior and multiple plies of polycarbonate bonded together with polyurethane interlayers. It offers no-spall ballistic protection and superior physical attack resistance with no breaking or shattering.

Tempered, laminated or wire glass are added to the laminated polycarbonate through the use of air-space separations. It offers the physical attack resistance of a laminated polycarbonate with the maintainability of glass.

Glass-clad polycarbonates feature a core material that consists of single or multiple plies of polycarbonate surrounded by strengthened glass. The polycarbonate provides penetration        resistance while the glass contributes to abrasion, chemical and heat resistance for long-term durability.

Laminated all-glass security products are available in U.L. listed bullet-resistant glass, multi-ply chemically-strengthened glass and multi-ply annealed glass. Our security solutions address thickness, weight, performance, product construction and cost considerations. Call us to request information relating to your project.